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Register me

Note: This website is intended for CBM workers in the UK.

Please enter the following details and click on "Register me".
Once your account has been activated, you will be able to change your details at any time.

Postcode E-mail
Description (e.g. 'Link man for Ghana' or 'East Europe Secretary' or 'Correspondence tutor for Tanzania')
Date of birth Marital status Ecclesia
Year of baptism Previous ecclesia if less than 2 years at current ecclesia
Please give details of an ecclesial representative (for example, Recording Brother or Arranging Brother) who can confirm your application. Please include a contact phone number and/or email address.
Name Position Ecclesia
Phone Email
Choose a username and password for your login. 
Please remember for future reference.
Username Password Requested role

How information about you will be used

We at CBM will keep your information in order to manage your CBM trips and insurance, field worker applications, notice board postings, project aid requests and welfare requests. Basic contact details can be viewed by other CBM workers, and full details can be viewed by CBM Council members. We will not share your information with any other organisations.

We will notify you by email about actions you need to take and (optionally) when notices are posted. If you agree to being contacted in this way, please tick the relevant boxes.

Send me email alerts to request or confirm an action taken by me (e.g. apply for insurance)

Send me email alerts when notices are posted on this site

You can view and update your details or delete your account from the ‘My details’ page. You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. You may ask us to correct or remove your information, or request to stop being contacted by us. Contact David Dunstan at dunstan.david@yandex.com.

 I agree


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